Harvesting the Heart General Critical Questions To Ask Lou Hampers: Choosing A Pediatrician

Critical Questions To Ask Lou Hampers: Choosing A Pediatrician

Critical Questions To Ask Lou Hampers: Choosing A Pediatrician post thumbnail image

Finding a pediatrician is an important decision. Your child’s health and well-being are in the hands of this individual and before you bring your child in, you should make sure you’re choosing the right Lou Hampers. But how do you know what questions to ask them?

This article will give you critical questions to ask when choosing a pediatrician that just might make all the difference.

How Many Years Of Experience Do You Have?

Pediatricians can be certified by the American Board of Pediatrics after completing medical school and residency training. Board-certified doctors have passed an exam that evaluates their knowledge and skills in pediatric medicine.

While board certification is not required for practicing medicine, it does indicate that an individual has met stringent qualifications for the job.

How Long Have You Worked At This Practice?

Not all practices are created equal — some are better than others. Ask about the stability of your potential pediatrician’s practice, including how long they’ve been there and how many physicians work there full-time (not just part-time or on call).

You may want to investigate other aspects of their practice: Are they experienced with common childhood illnesses? How quickly do they respond to emergencies?

Will they be available for phone calls or emails at night or on weekends if needed? Does your insurance plan cover them?

Where Did You Study?

A good place to start is by asking whether the doctor went to medical school at an accredited program recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA). Most states require that physicians have completed a residency program before they can receive their license to practice medicine in that state.

Some states also require continuing education courses to maintain certification status with the AMA.

What Are Your Office Hours?

Pediatricians like Lou Hampers have varying schedules, but most offices are open during the day Monday through Friday. If you have a hectic schedule, find out if the doctor has evening or weekend appointments available.


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